
Me again!

Having been absent from my WordPress site for some time, now that I’m back, the entire interface seems different (Where are the Daily Prompts? Are we not doing that anymore?). Up in the corner, next to my blog name, there’s a little number “41.”

Click on it and come to figure out that 41 means the number of draft posts I have in the can. FORTY-ONE!? Thought I’d delve into that bank of possibilities to see if anything could be revived, and here’s a sample of what I found:

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 9.52.27 PM

Call me crazy, but those titles made me think there may be some decent stuff in there. Well, not so much. But a couple were diamonds in the rough so I thought I’d share parts of them.

Here’s a sample of “Looking for Good Female Characters? Stick With Cable!” drafted on February 19, 2014…

Yesterday, I sighed in joy as I sat in the movie theater and watched American Hustle. It took me a second to figure out why.

In my quest to watch the films nominated for Best Picture prior to the Academy Awards, I’d been missing women. So far, I’d seen Dallas Buyers ClubNebraska, and Captain Phillips. All boys (mostly). American Hustle featured boys, but also Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence in major roles. Finally. Let’s hear it for the girls!

Today, I talked with a screenwriter friend struggling with a female protagonist in her latest project. We tossed around ideas to give her character depth and purpose. She really wanted to focus on the character before tackling the plot. We decided to think about our favorite female characters in movies and why we liked them.

Interestingly, we couldn’t come up with much in the movie category. We wanted to stay away from the far ends of the spectrum– the sappy love/family-obsessed girl on one side, and the female cop/superhero on the other. There had to be characters that fell somewhere in the middle. Right?


On the television side, though, we had some success. Here’s a sampling of characters we came up with: Gemma Morrow (Katey Sagal, Sons of Anarchy), Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds), Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington, Scandal), and Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell in a television series-turned-movie of the same name). These roles portray smart, determined women, who still exhibit human qualities. Gemma is ruthless, but nobody can question her devotion to her family; Olivia is brilliant, but has a soft spot for the President; Nancy is fearless, but makes questionable choices when it comes to her family and personal life; and what I learned about Veronica (I didn’t watch the television series) is that she’s witty and clever, but still enjoys the company of cute boys.

These four roles signify a diverse range of characters- an aging biker chick, an uber-successful overachieving DC lawyer/PR specialist, a California neighborhood housewife weed dealer, and a high school student moonlighting as a private investigator. But what they all have in common is that they fall in the middle of that spectrum– they are neither all-consumed by love and men and family, nor invincible superheroes. The beauty of their characters is that they linger somewhere in between.

So, hmm, why didn’t I post that? I think it’s a fair assessment for the time it was drafted. I don’t know. I’m guessing I thought it was boring, although reading it now makes me want to hit up Netflix and rewatch some of those shows.

Moving on… One of my favorite drafts in the folder is titled “2016: The Year of the Draft Posts,” which is sort of the post I’m writing right now. It had some nice insights, and I’m guessing it didn’t get posted because I stopped writing mid-list. I also think it’s funny that I had 22 draft posts at that time, and now I’ve jumped into the 40’s. Here’s a snippet:

I have twenty-two draft posts.

Twenty-two? WTF?

I looked through my Drafts and found some decent posts. I couldn’t figure out why I wouldn’t have posted them. I think the answer is that I’ve changed. Maybe in a good way, maybe not.

Back when I wrote those drafts, I was still scared to share words, especially words that shared little pieces of me. I thought my posts were boring (they may be), self-centered (they definitely are), and/or not well-written (some aren’t). But in the past year or so of publishing and authoring, I’ve learned a couple of things.

1.  Not everyone is going to like everything I write, and that’s okay. This blog is my corner of the internet world and it’s for me. So yes, it may get a little self-centered sometimes. It’s not professionally edited. I don’t have much advice about the craft of writing or other fancy things that people talk about. But I started this blog without a purpose–the Blogger Without a Cause. I like having the freedom to post whatever I feel like.

You may not like my posts. Those draft posts may be crap, but I shouldn’t be afraid to post them. They are all little nuggets of me.

Since I’ve written my last post, I’ve had some publishing success. My first book came out in January, my second in May, my third releases in November, and my fourth in May 2017. Guess what? They aren’t perfect and they’re out there, in the world, for people to read! Gasp! People seem to like them, but those one-star reviews are tough, especially when they actually make sense. It’s a lot easier to believe the few one-star reviews than the lovely five-star reviews, for me at least. It was rough going, but I’ve learned to celebrate the good reviews and ignore the bad (as much as I can–I’m only human).

2.  I write romance. It’s not meant to be world-changing or literary genius, and that’s okay, too. Romance isn’t for everyone, but to me, it’s an awesome genre. Love makes the world go around and trust me, it’s more entertaining than Moby Dick. If you don’t like it, I get it. I really do. But I yam who I yam and I write what I like to write. Please respect romance!

3.  Nobody cares about my words as much as I do, and that’s okay. I’m sure I’ve scrutinized the posts in my Drafts folder way more harshly than would any potential reader. I have to remember that I am my own worst critic. People will not hate me if I can’t control my comma usage or if I miss a typo. Nor will people love me because I wrote a post, or even a book for that matter. Writing a book is a great accomplishment, whether you become published or not. But you can’t take yourself too seriously. As wonderful as your words are, your book’s success or failure isn’t going to matter to most people in the world.  Same thing with my draft posts.


Re-reading this partial list, it’s still relevant today, and was a good reminder to not take myself too seriously. So thank you, Past Jess, for your insights!

If you haven’t given up on this post about nothing yet, you’ll be glad to know I saved the best for last. From my draft entitled, “Possible Celebrity Sex Dream #2,” drafted March 5, 2017. Now I have your attention again, don’t I (wink wink)?

Readers of WOAW may recall my dream scene involving The Rock and a baguette in my minivan. If not, click HERE for a recap. Sex dream? Maybe. Anyway, I had another one that I thought I’d embarrass myself and tell you about. Does this count as a celebrity sex dream? I don’t know. But welcome to this new series on WOAW… Possible Celebrity Sex Dreams.

Before I get to the dream, here’s what happened in real life leading up to the dream.

  • Well, as you may or may not know, I write romance novels.
  • A cute, young, writer woman I follow on Facebook had been posting about this guy in her work elevator and we (the social media masses) were pressuring her to ask him out. The whole scene was adorable.
  • I’d spent some time stalking my friend Larissa, and saw pics of her kids on horses. Mine took horseback riding also. I thought about that briefly.
  • I’d also been complaining to my friend Nicole about the Obamas gallivanting around on vacation when I felt like the country needed them back in the works.
  • My son had a big science test on weather patterns.

Also, I had a total Seinfeld moment where I woke up in the middle of the night after the dream and made a note on my phone about it. Here’s what I wrote, word for word, typos in original:

Secdeam barack elevator open marriage saga likes horses Nicole and aunt gam rain plane explosion.

Doesn’t seem very sexy does it? But here’s what happened in the dream.

I was in an elevator and I was kissing Barack Obama, who, I’ll add, was a very good kisser. I immediately thought Michelle would kick my ass so I pulled away and said something like “you’re married” and he told me that he and Michelle had an open marriage. Next thing you know we’re outside and there are horses and he tells me that Sasha likes horses. We get into a car and I’m wedged between my friend Nicole, Barack’s aunt, and Barack’s grandmother (Please note: I don’t know if he has any of these relatives). We start driving through a forest and it’s rainy and storming and a plane explodes in front of us.

That’s it.

I’m pretty sure that note that I made, translated into awake-speak, says: Sex dream Barack on elevator, open marriage, Sasha likes horses, Nicole and aunt and grandma for rain plane explosion.

That’s where I left off on that one. Now that I read it, maybe it was more like a “crush dream” than a “possible sex dream.”

Anyway, the moral of the story is: write whatever you want. You don’t have to publish everything, but the act of typing out the words that float around your brain has value in and of itself. There’s a Drafts folder for a reason, friends. May as well use the thing.

Again, thanks for reading, and have a nice night!



Delving into Audio: Babble and a List

I miss utilizing my space here on WOAW, and I’m sure many of you were shocked to find this post in your inbox. THIS IS NOT SPAM! HELLLOOOOO great blogging abyss!

I’ve been away from here while I publish romance novels, raise the little beasts (who are now bigger beasts), rock the cubicle life at the day job, and read-read-read like a boss. I’ve been thinking about revisiting blogging for a bunch of reasons, mostly having to do with the author-slash-publishing world being so frustrating crazy ass hard impossible difficult to navigate challenging. Still giving it a shot on that side of the world, but here, at WOAW, in the words of Frank Sinatra, I get to do it my way.

Tonight, I’d like to focus on my reading life, which also relates to cubicle life in this instance.

adult business computer contemporary
Photo by Marc Mueller on Pexels.com

My Cubicle of Death, which I so lovingly like to call it, touches five other cubicles (NOTE: My cube looks nothing like this awesome hipster office space). One of the cubicles touching mine belongs to Loud Guy. Loud Guy is a very nice man who is passionate about his job, who’s forced to be on the phone all day, and who has volume control issues.

Everyone around Loud Guy plugs into some sort of earphone device, because everyone has crap to do and nobody wants to tell Loud Guy that he’s Loud. Don’t judge. Office politics can be tricky…

Personally, I don’t like having ear device things. I like being able to hear. Maybe it’s a result of being a mama beast to the aforementioned child beasts, I don’t know. Music is great, but with ear device things I just want to sing along, and I’m a horrific vocalist.

(ANOTHER NOTE: As you see, I’m still wandering off topic after all these years of blogging… Back to the point, Jess…)

Then it dawned on me. Why not kill two birds with one stone? I always look for more time to read, so why not join the cool kids and give Audiobooks a try? They seem to be growing in popularity and, as a fledgling author, I should stay on top of these things.

Since I’m not on the best terms with the library for the free stuff and would need to take out a loan to pay them off at this point (shhh, I blame the child beasts), I signed up for Audible. After five minutes of listening to my first audiobook at work, it was clear that I didn’t have the auditory staying power to focus on a novel. I even tried listening in the car, but the kind of books I’m audible-ing aren’t appropriate for the little beasts’ ears. So I gave up somewhere in the middle of ROOMHATE by Penelope Ward.

Then, the bastards at Audible sent me a coupon promo that I couldn’t resist and I signed up again, hoarding the credits they offered. Frankly, I also wanted to finish ROOMHATE (Seriously, look at this cover… OF COURSE I needed to read this. Link to Goodreads page in caption).

Photo from Goodreads

On a mission to figure out how to focus on audiobooks, I downloaded a few favorites that I thought I could “train” myself to listen to. Books that I already knew the characters and plots, so that if I zoned out a little I wouldn’t be completely lost.

One that I downloaded was GONE WITH THE WIND. People. GWTW is a FORTY-EIGHT HOUR Audiobook! I could watch the movie TWELVE TIMES in 48 hours! But I have to admit that even though I’m only in Chapter Two, it’s a good listen (that will take me, oh, a decade to get through).

Photo: Wikipedia


After listening to a handful of books that I was already familiar with (VISION IN WHITE by Nora Roberts, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER by Jamie McGuire, LOVE BY THE SLICE by Heather Young-Nichols, and BIRTH OF AN AMERICAN GIGOLO by Deek Rhew), eventually I finished ROOMHATE. I was adjusting to being a good listener, and was able to work and NOT hear Loud Guy.

I’m not sure I’ll stick with audio though, and since I know you’re dying to find out why, here’s my list of reasons:

  •  Time. I read fast, and listening seems to take forever. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been listening for years and realize I’m only on Chapter 5. I think that with reading, I’ve learned to skim over certain parts, and audio does not allow you to do that. You can skip ahead 30 seconds in audio, but it’s not the same. I go too far ahead or not far enough, and I lose focus fishing around to get to the right spot.
  • It’s expensive. Honestly, if I didn’t have the coupon, I probably wouldn’t want to pay the monthly fee. Isn’t it enough, Audible, that I’m buying the audiobook? Why do I have to pay you a monthly fee for the honor of purchasing stuff? (For those of you tsking at me because of my library issues, I know and you’re right. When I win the Powerball, I’ll definitely settle my tab there).
  • Narration arghhh. This is the big one for me and could be split into two subsections.
    • First, when I read, I have a certain tone in my head for the dialogue and narration can throw it all off. For example, in ROOMHATE (go ahead and take a moment to go look at the cover again… I’ll wait… sigh…), the narrator read the guy as being douchey, whereas if I read the words, he’d be more flirty. Huge difference to how I’m going to feel about the book and the happily ever after in the end. Does that make sense?
      • For example, take a sentence like: “You’re such an assh*le.” (My words, not Penelope Ward’s). I may read that like, “You’re SUCH an assh*le.” Whereas a narrator may say it like, “You’re such an ASSH*LE.” Go ahead, say them aloud and hear the difference. The former *could* be interpreted as more playful than the latter.
    • Second, I cannot seem to get into women doing the men’s voices, like, at all. I have yet to hear one that works for me (besides, possibly, Rhew’s BIRTH OF AN AMERICAN GIGOLO where the narrator does a great accent for Dios). I love the dual point of view books where there are two narrators, a male reader for the male POV chapters, and a female reader for the female POV chapters, but within those chapters, I hate when the female does the male’s dialogue. Why are the ladies making the men sound so nasally? Or slurring? Or worse, like they are twelve years old and a Little Rascal? Or like they are zombies or creepers?
  • Logistics. I can’t go back to my favorite pages and read them a million times when I’m listening. Maybe I can, but I don’t know how. Can you bookmark an audiobook? Also, if I buy a book on Audible, why can’t I have the ebook too? That only seems fair. This way I can highlight my favorite parts, quote them, etc.

That all being said, I still have six Audible credits banked and a fairly long plane trip coming up in two weeks, so I’ll stick with it. Currently, I’m listening to REBEL HEIR by Vi Keeland and the aforementioned Penelope Ward, and loving it.

So tell me: Do you like audiobooks? Which are your favorite? Am I doing it wrong? How do I gain back the trust of my town librarians!? If you have any advice or stories regarding your own audio experiences, comments are always open.

As always, thanks for reading and have a nice night!

When Good Things Happen…

Sometimes good things happen to good people. I know, I know… it’s hard to believe. Well, sit back, Blogtropolis, and let me tell you a little story…

I work with a lady, let’s call her Terry. Terry has worked in my office for a million years, since she was a teenager (she’s in her 50’s now). Every morning I walk by her desk and say good morning, and if I forget she hunts me down. “How can I start my day without your good morning, Jessica?” she asks.

Terry is one of those people who never says a bad word about anyone. She’s never out sick. She’s always at her desk and never complains. Before work, she has a job as a caregiver for elderly people, for which she goes to peoples’ houses and makes sure they are ready for their day. After work she goes to school and is working toward a certification to become a  drug abuse counselor. She also has a big family who she takes care of and who love her to pieces.

Terry’s just genuinely nice and wants to do good in the world. She’s also happy. And sweet. How many people do you actually know like that? Probably not too many.

There’s one thing that Terry loves before all else. The Dallas Cowboys.

Cowboys Training Camp

Her cubicle is covered, COVERED in Cowboys garb. She has pictures, calendars, blankets, bobbleheads, the schedule, the roster, stuffed Cowboy toys. My God, anything the Cowboys have put out there, she has at least one of. In fact, I once got a bandaid from her…it was a Cowboys bandaid.

She’s serious about her team, people. So serious that she flies to games a couple of times per season, by herself if she can’t find a travel buddy, to see her team play. So serious that she booked a room and flight to Houston for the Super Bowl mid-season, “just in case.” Did she have a ticket to the Big Game? No.

“Terry,” I said. “What if the Cowboys don’t make it to the Super Bowl? Or worse, what if they do and you can’t get a ticket?”

She smiled and looked up at me (she’s short). “Well, then I’ll enjoy being in Houston and around football fans.”

So there you go. That’s the backstory. Now, onto the real story.

Terry had tickets for the Cowboys game the day after Christmas- Lions vs. Cowboys. She goes to the Philly airport to fly to Dallas and checks in at the gate. She tells the airline employee her name: Terry Wayne (not her real name).

“Oh,” says airline lady, “you already checked in.”

Obviously she hadn’t. So the airline lady tapped the screen a bit, chalked it up to a mishap, and let her through. Terry being Terry didn’t worry. She just shrugged and boarded.

When she got to her seat, someone was sitting in it. Terry says, “Excuse me, I think you’re in my seat.”

The lady says, “Let me guess. You’re Terry Wayne.”

Terry says, “Um, yes. How do you know?”

She says, “Because I’m Terry Wayne, too!”

They have a good laugh, discussing the chances of two people with a not-so-common name ending up on the same flight. My Terry gets re-seated by the stewardess and off she goes to Dallas.

After they land, My Terry goes to the baggage claim and sees Other Terry waiting for her bags. Being as friendly and outgoing as she is, she figures she’ll go say hi. They strike up a conversation, and my guess is that Other Terry quickly realized the awesomeness of My Terry.

They discuss their travel plans. Other Terry tells My Terry that she was home for the holidays, but recently started a new job in Dallas and had to get back for work.

Guess who Other Terry works for?

THE. DALLAS. COWBOYS. Front office stuff.

My Terry tells her that she’s the hugest fan, shows her some of her merchandise, and explains that she’s in Dallas for the Lions game. She and Other Terry talk up a storm. By the end of their conversation, Other Terry had friended her on Facebook and offered to hook her up with seats for whenever she wants to see her favorite team play.

I could stop the story right there. How cool is it that of all the planes, in all the world… two Terry Wayne’s meet. Other Terry working for My Terry’s favorite team is the icing on the cake.

But there’s more. Remember that trip My Terry had booked?

Excited for her upcoming visit to Houston, she thought, “What the heck?” and sent Other Terry a Facebook message. “I know our team’s not playing but is there any way you can hook me up with a ticket?”

And guess what? Other Terry did! My Terry got to go to Super Bowl– not any Super Bowl, but one of the best Super Bowls in history! You know what she wore? Head-to-toe Dallas garb, God bless her. Not only did she go to the game, but she met a nice couple in her hotel who gave her a ride to the stadium and invited her to their catered, crazy after-party. It’s just how she is. She attracts people.

Yesterday she gave me a play-by-play of her trip, the game, security, her seat, the fans, Gaga, everything. Even though her beloved Cowboys weren’t in the game, her face lit up like a kid at Christmas as she told me about her good time.

Being a regular person football fan, getting to a Super Bowl is a dream. Something for the Bucket List. I was so happy Terry got to go. While some may say this is all just dumb luck, I think it’s a case of karma finally coming around in the right ways. Put good things out there into the universe, and good things will return to you.

Now I only hope that next year she gets to go to the big game again, maybe to see her Cowboys win it all.

(Image: http://www.dallascowboys.com/sites/dallascowboys.com/files/styles/gallery__lightbox/public/_gallery_photos/2016_camp_august_21st_the_star_selects_jj0285.jpg?itok=HWZNnKT0&timestamp=1471896824 )

Another year…!

Where does the time go?


I started Waiting on a Word four years ago. How did it get to be 2017?  I’m sorry I haven’t been around much because WOAW is still my favorite corner of my cyberworld.

So where have I been? 2016 was a whirlwind. After starting a new day job, I was fortunate to have three books published. I’ve been immersing myself in author life– learning social media, drafting stories, brainstorming ideas, revising, revising, revising, making new friends while trying to keep the old, marketing for a small publisher, securing an agent, reading, reading, reading.

Learning. Always learning.

Writing has become my night job and I love it. So much more than any day job I’ve ever held. It’s difficult, but it’s fun. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s making me stronger. Every time I sit at the computer I’m facing a challenge, whether I’m writing new words, editing old words, figuring out how to start a YouTube channel, helping out a writing friend, or looking up a conference to attend.

If I had a penny for every person who asked me, “How do you do it?” I’d be able to quit the day job. The truth is, I don’t know how I do it. I want to do it, so I do it. I make the time for it and stick with it, even through the hard parts. Even when I’m tired. Even when everyone tells me to binge watch Gilmore Girls instead. Writing is all I want to do, so how I do it isn’t an issue for me. I have to do it.

But man, am I getting old! Late nights, early mornings, giving proper attention to the spouse and children, the day job. I’ll admit that it’s not easy and the blog has taken a hit because of it. Twitter’s 140-characters seems more conducive to my attention span lately.

But know this: I miss my blogging space. Sometimes things happen and it’s too much for a tweet. I think, “Oh, I’ll post that on Facebook.” But then I remember that I hate Facebook and stay off of it as much as possible. “I should write a blog post about that,” I think. Sometimes I do, too. I have TWENTY-EIGHT draft blog posts hiding in the bowels of WOAW. I actually have a draft blog post about all my draft blog posts! I’m just shy to hit “Publish” here lately. I hope I hit it on this post, even though as I’m typing this I know it’s not the most riveting post I’ve ever written.

What is my point? I’m not sure. I’ll offer this in closing: To anyone who happens to read this (should I hit “Publish”), my wish for you is that you try something new in 2017, even if it’s difficult and even if you fail. Life is about taking action. Go do something to spice up your 2017!

Speaking of taking action, I should probably hit “Publish” on this awfully boring post, light the fire under WOAW, and get this blog simmering again.

See you soon!






Happy Blog-iversary WOAW!

In January of 2013, I started this blog and wrote a post. I hit “publish” even though I had zero followers and hadn’t invited anyone to read it. Here’s part of what I wrote:

I don’t know where my ideas will come from, or if I will ever even have another one, never mind a decent one. I’m sort of winging it here. My hope is that these words I’m waiting on will magically reveal themselves to me and I’ll have something to share.

For three years I’ve been on and off with Waiting on a Word. This will be my 193rd post, which may sound like a lot, but some bloggers do that in way less time. I’ve been sporadic. I’ve had months where I’ve posted multiple times a week, and times when I’ve gone on months-long hiatuses.

Through it all, I love this blog. I love having my own little corner of the interwebs. I love looking back on my old posts–sometimes cringing but mostly smiling–to relive certain events (like here when my little M. was in the school play; and here about seeing Pearl Jam live), or to see my attempts at fiction (like here when I wrote a little YA snippet), or to remember my mindset at a certain time (like here when I wrote about feeling in a rut). Sometimes I joke around (like here when I wrote about recasting “The Love Boat”) and sometimes I’m serious (like here when I wrote about having a special needs child).

I don’t always know what to write in this space, and sometimes that stresses me out. But I know it’s always waiting on my words for when I’m ready.

So, thanks for letting me share my writing corner and for taking the time to read my posts. Go ahead! Indulge in a piece of blog-iversary cake in honor of WOAW. You deserve it!

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Happy 3rd Birthday, WOAW! (This is me, Jess).

Have a great rest of your Sunday. 🙂

Just Being- For Now

I sit on my couch and watch the lights twinkle on the Christmas tree. I consider keeping it up all year because taking it down seems like a daunting task. Also, it’s pretty.

Little M., who’s not so little anymore, smiles on the couch next to me, watching the iPad and playing with a toy.

I have to get up and get moving. I’m still in my pajamas (flannel, because it finally got cold last night) and I have a million things to do. A gazillion, actually. I should take the Christmas tree down.

I ask M. “Should we take the Christmas tree down or leave it up?”

“Take it down!” he says.

I try again, for the answer I want. “Should we keep it up?”

“Take it down!”

Sigh. “Maybe later,” I tell him. He smiles a toothy grin that’s too big for his face and I have the urge to squeeze his cheeks.

But I’m writing a post.


It’s another New Year. Another year for the blog. Tomorrow is my three-year blogging anniversary here at Waiting on a Word. I have a plan for a post, but right now I don’t have the time to write it. Those gazillion things parade through my mind. Maybe later.

For now, I only want to sit here and breathe before I have to start the busy day, month, year. Before I have to try, and do, and work, and think, and figure it all out.

Am I lazy? I don’t think so. In a weird way, sitting here with myself (and M.) may be the most brain-active thing I do all day. Soon I’ll start the hustle and bustle and forget about myself. I’ll go to the store, I’ll run with the kids, I’ll get home and make dinner and do more of the things. Not lazy. Not lazy at all.

But for now, while I have the opportunity, I’m taking this moment to do what last night’s fortune cookie suggested:

One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be.

That’s it for now. Happy New Year to you! I hope 2016 is a good one and you find time to simply be.

[This post was inspired by the Daily Post, Daily PromptWrite Here, Write Now: Write a post entirely in the present tense.]



Love is more than a little complicated…

Happy news! Today I’m excited to share the cover for The Love Square! Here it is…

Love Squared FRONT

And here’s the whole cover…

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00033]

Isn’t it cute? The Limitless team did a great job. Here’s what the back blurb reads:

Clare Davis hates everything about L.A. Well, almost everything…

Accustomed to a small town life in Nebraska, Clare is miserable in her new role as manager of an L.A. bookstore. She yearns to return to the simple life on her family’s farm. That is until she literally runs into up-and-coming movie star Dylan Barnes.

Dylan resents the Hollywood limelight. Awaiting the premiere of his first feature film, it would be nice to meet someone real—just not someone who rear-ends his BMW with her oversized truck. Dylan is instantly attracted to Clare and her Midwestern charm. And as he shows her the wonders of California, Clare can’t resist falling in love with the Golden State and its newest star.

From West Coast to East, friendship and love are equally complicated…

On the East Coast, Dylan’s childhood friend, Alex Popovich, loves his carefree life as a minor league ballplayer. He’s the man-whore of Brooklyn, playing the field in more ways than one. So when real feelings for his best friend erupt, Alex isn’t interested.

A gorgeous ballroom dancer-slash-office worker, Jenna Stecco wants her best friend, Alex, to take a leap from friends to more. Busy having one night stands, Alex is quick to let Jenna go, telling her it’s time to give up lost hopes and move on with life.

Complicated turns full on crazy with a tangled love square…

When Dylan returns to New York City, he meets up with Alex and is introduced to the stunning Jenna. Believing Clare is unavailable and Alex isn’t interested, Dylan and Jenna share a night of passion and embark on a long-distance relationship.

Everyone is thrown by this love square, as Dylan, Jenna, Alex, and Clare struggle with their feelings for each other. When Jenna reveals a secret that will change their lives, all hell breaks loose.

As the love square crumbles, the four friends must find a way to rebuild or risk losing love forever.

More happy news! The Love Square is up for preorder on Amazon. Here are buy links if you think it’s something you may like!

Pre-Order Now:  FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon: http://goo.gl/SuJ7YO

Amazon CA: http://goo.gl/aQN8VJ

Amazon UK: http://goo.gl/NAQj13

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As always, thanks for your support and for sharing this special time with me!

The Love Square Teaser



Fun “Friends” Trivia- Answers Post

Okay everyone! Just a quick post with Friends Trivia Answers!


Let’s see how you did:

  1. What are Rachel’s sisters’ names? Jill and Amy Bonus: Who played them? Reese Witherspoon (Jill) and Christina Applegate (Amy)
  2. What song does Monica sing when she performs karaoke at Mike’s bar? Tanya Tucker’s Delta Dawn
  3. At which University is Ross a professor? NYU
  4. What actor plays Monica’s boyfriend Richard? Tom Selleck
  5. What is the name of the T.V. show that Joey stars in with a robot? Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
  6. Which actress plays Phoebe’s birth mom (think Montauk)? Teri Garr
  7. Chandler was trapped in an ATM vestibule. Who was with him? Jill Goodacre
  8. What was Monica’s nickname when she played field hockey? “Big Fat Goalie”
  9. What do Monica’s parents call her? “Har-Monica”
  10. Who did Joey play on Days of our Lives and what was his fate? Dr. Drake Ramorey. He fell down an elevator shaft.
  11. What does WENUS stand for? Weekly Estimated Net Usage System (or Statistics- it changes during the series).
  12. What’s Joey’s favorite food? “Sandwiches”
  13. Which zoo does Marcel get into? San Diego
  14. What was the name of the man who lived under the girls’ apartment? Mr. Heckles
  15. Why was Chandler put in the box? To show Joey how sorry he is for kissing Cathy, Joey’s girlfriend
  16. Who did Ross meet when he went to China, and what did he plan on buying with that person? Ross meets Julie in China and they plan on buying a cat together.
  17. Who played Phoebe’s brother? Giovanni Ribisi
  18. What song does Ross sing to baby Emma to make her laugh? Baby Got Back, by Sir Mix-A-Lot
  19. Which character has a third nipple? Chandler (he calls it a “nubbin”)
  20. What song does Ross dedicate to Rachel on the radio? With or Without You, by U2.

I hope you enjoyed taking this trip down memory lane! How’d you do?

Have a great rest of your Sunday. Thanks for playing along 🙂

[Picture: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTg4NzEyNzQ5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTY3NDg4._V1._CR24,0,293,443_SX214_AL_.jpg]


Cave Dwelling with Gobo and Eugene

Greetings, from “the editing cave” where I’m busy revising The Love Square. Here’s a list of some things I’ve learned:

  1. I have a lot of “staring” happening. He stared at her, she stared at him, etc. etc. I’m working on it, people.
  2. There’s no good word for a female half-laugh– “giggle” sounds too silly and “chuckled” sounds like something an old man would do. “Stifled a laugh” works sometimes. “Scoffed” seems weird. Hopefully you can help me out with this. Anyone?
  3. Before submitting my manuscript for publishing, I went through and took out all of my seemingly unnecessary commas. However, my editor has been adding many of the deleted commas back in. I’m never going to understand commas. Still, love, them, though, and, don’t, care.
  4. I could spend the rest of my life editing this manuscript. In the beginning, I found myself re-starting at page one every night and finding something to change or add or subtract each time. I had to cut myself off and keep the wheels moving forward.
  5. I like editing. It’s nice to get lost in your story and your characters in such an in-depth way. During NaNo and while writing that first draft, I tend to spit out the words just to get them on the page. With editing, the real writing tools come out and you can apply things you’ve learned. Every sentence receives your undivided attention.

So that’s where I am. Muddling through, hoping to make it better with each pass. Is it Hemingway? No. Is it the best book I’m ever going to write? Probably not. I hope to learn more and more as I progress down this path. Still, I’m confident it’s a good contemporary love story that’s worth the reader’s time.

Onto something irrelevantly relevant. Who remembers Fraggle Rock?


Ah, the Fraggles! Weren’t they the greatest? My kids have the first season on DVD. The coolest thing about the DVD set is that it comes with a replica of Jim Henson’s notebook, dated April 3, 1981, with his thoughts while developing Fraggle Rock.

This discovery (we’ve had the DVD set for years and I had no idea the replica notebook was included) made me so freaking happy. Look at some sample pics:

It’s his actual notes!

Now, look at all those scribbles. Back in ’81 before the days of Word, this was how editing was done, I guess. I love that he used a notebook like this to scribble his “concept for an international children’s television show” called: “The Woozle Show or Woozle World or The World of Woozles or Woozle-Woozle!”

In the notebook he describes his idea for Doc (“the old codger is warm and lovable but you probably wouldn’t call him bright”), Sprocket the dog (“The Dog, whose name is George, is of course a Muppet . . . the Woozles drive him crazy”), and obviously, the “Woozles” (“Woozles are pretty wacky, have a lot of energy, and when all else fails, somebody shouts “Let’s sing about it!” and they do”).

But I think the best part of the notebook is when JH describes the meaning of the show:

Our first job is to make this world a lot of fun to visit. It is a high energy raucous musical romp. It’s a lot of silliness. It’s wonderful.

However, the second thing that we’re doing with this show is saying something. The show has a direction and a point of view. This will be beneath the surface, and if anybody becomes very aware of it, we will have missed.

What the show is really about is people getting along with people, and understanding the delicate balances of the natural world . . . . We will make the point that everything affects everything else, and that there is a beauty and harmony of life to be appreciated.

I just love that– “A beauty and harmony of life to be appreciated.”

I also appreciated reading the notes in Jim Henson’s handwriting, with scribbled out words and added carets and other editing marks. For example, in the quote above when he writes “we will have missed,” originally his notes said, “we will have failed.” He crossed out the “failed” and opted for “missed.” I think that says a lot, don’t you?

As for Fraggle Rock , in my opinion, it succeeded in its mission. I enjoy watching it now as much as I did as a kid. It transcends generations for exactly the reasons that JH contemplated–on the surface it’s funny and high energy, but underneath are subtle undertones that resonate without overwhelming the viewer.

While Fraggles are lovable and silly and fun, unfortunately there’s an opposite end of that spectrum. His name is Eugene Peppermint and HE’S BACK:


He’s creepy and weird and not one bit of fun. He is the anti-Fraggle (I do think he’s happy to be free of my underwear drawer though).

Of course I forgot he was supposed to come out yesterday. I thought maybe the kids wouldn’t care. After all, last year we had a conversation about how parents move the elf with Christmas magic.

No such luck. Either the kids forgot about that conversation, didn’t understand what we were saying, or chose to ignore it in light of the miracle of the holidays. Meh. Here’s to hoping this year is Eugene’s last hurrah. In the meantime, I’ll suffer through another season of the dumbest thing ever invented. 🙂

And that’s the news from my camp here in NJ. Next up on WOAW: Answers to Friends trivia! As always, thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your November.

Fun “Friends” Trivia

After discussing Chandler’s job with a friend and procrastinating with a video of Ross screaming “piv-OT” while the crew moved a couch up the stairs, I thought I’d share some fun Friends memories with you in the form of a trivia post.

As Friends needs no introduction, I’ll jump right in. These vary in difficulty so there should be at least one you know. If not, Friends is on Netflix, so get watching!

    1. What are Rachel’s sisters’ names? Bonus: Who played them?
    2. What song does Monica sing when she performs karaoke at Mike’s bar?
    3. At which University is Ross a professor?
    4. What actor plays Monica’s boyfriend Richard?
    5. What is the name of the T.V. show that Joey stars in with a robot?
    6. Which actress plays Phoebe’s birth mom (Hint: think Montauk)?
    7. Chandler was trapped in an ATM vestibule. Who was with him?
    8. What was Monica’s nickname when she played field hockey?
    9. What do Monica’s parents call her?
    10. Who did Joey play on Days of our Lives and what was his fate?
    11. What does WENUS stand for?
    12. What’s Joey’s favorite food?
    13. Which zoo does Marcel get into?
    14. What was the name of the man who lived under the girls’ apartment?
    15. Why was Chandler put in the box?
    16. Who did Ross meet when he went to China, and what did he plan on buying with that person?
    17. Who played Phoebe’s brother?
    18. What song does Ross sing to baby Emma to make her laugh?
    19. Which character has a third nipple?
    20. What song does Ross dedicate to Rachel on the radio?

I hope you enjoyed taking this trip down television memory lane. Answers will be posted soon!

Special thanks to Nicole over at Mommy&Everything blog and Lauren, a certified television expert, for contributing questions.

(Picture from: http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/imgx/2/1/0/6/4/3/8/0/large-21064380.jpg)