Longing for Gravity- The Daily Prompt

I’m baaaaack. Here to stick my entire foot back in the water (instead of just my big toe) with a response to The Daily Post’s Daily Prompt.

You are on a mission to Mars. Because of the length of of the journey, you will never be able to return to Earth. What about our blue planet will you miss the most?

You can see the prompt and other responses here.

First, I’d like to clarify that I would never, ever, voluntarily go on a mission to Mars, especially one so lengthy. I’m glad gravity’s holding my feet securely on Earth. Sometimes it gets a little hot, sometimes a little cold, but I never think to myself, “GOSH Earth blows! I hate living here. I want to move to Mars!” (Also, you know how freaked I am by the idea of outer space).

Now onto the question posed by the prompt.

What would I miss most about the Earth? Well, the people of course. But as far as Earth itself? As the prompt suggests, I would miss the color. I know it’s cheesy, but it’s true. I’d miss the color I see everyday, like the blueness of the sky, the white puffiness of the clouds, or the green of the grass, as well as the color that comes and goes, like the pink of these trees in my neighborhood.


The vibrant colors of fruit: red strawberries, green apples, yellow lemons– how is it possible that these perfect things come from the dirt of the Earth? Earth is really a pretty place. Sometimes we forget to look at it. I can’t imagine Mars being as visually stimulating.





Although, Mars is an interesting, angry red . . .


Thanks for reading. Have a nice night! (All pics are from my personal collection- except Mars. Ha Ha. That one I picked up from here: ( http://stateschronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/mars2_115916c.jpg )


Hello again, hello

WHAT’S UP WORLD? I’m back in your inbox and I hope you’re pleasantly surprised. I don’t know what happened with WOAW. I couldn’t think of anything to say so I opted to say nothing.

Frankly, I still can’t think of anything to say. But there’s evidence floating around that I am missed, which I appreciate.

First, by my Aunt Darlene who, while on the food line at my baby niece’s baptism party, told me she misses my blog (Hi Aunt Darlene!). Then by my cousin Denise, who also told me she was missing WOAW, as it constitutes her morning reading material while she does her hair (she has GREAT hair, too, I might add). My friend Clare also mentioned that she misses the blog posts, and finally David sent me an email wondering where the heck I’ve been. I’ve also been subjected to regular “you haven’t been blogging” comments from those in my daily life.

It’s nice to be missed!

I apologize to the 1780 senders of the unread emails in my blog mailbox. I think at this point, it’s more time efficient to do a mass deletion than to go back and open my mail, but I look forward to jumping on all of your blogging trains as they speed by, and rejoining the journey.

Often during this four-month or so hiatus I thought, “that would make a great blog post,” but besides coming up with the idea, I couldn’t think of anything to say. Here’s a list of some things that I considered posting about:

  • The power of the Magic 8 Ball that sits on my desk. It’s insanely freaky.
  • #yesallwomen
  • I went to a concert a few weeks ago. Said concert was in Connecticut on a school night. Friend I went with lives on the West Point campus. Friend is awesome. (I think each of these statements could have been individual posts and compiled as a four-part week-long posting spree).
  • JC and the Bring Your Kid To Work Day fiasco, JC and the well visit, JC illustrates his first movie poster (i.e., the Adventures of JC).
  • Are you smarter than a 4th grader? (Can you name six simple machines?) *
  • M makes his communion, M becomes a peeper, M and his newfound love of smelling things (i.e, the Adventures of M).
  • Life Without a Microwave: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
  • My newly-purchased book: Show Your Work! 10 Ways to Share your Creativity and Get Discovered, by Austin Kleon.
  • Bingo Bonanza Part Next: The Progressive Goes Off!
  • My Cranky CrApple iPhone 4. Related post: Mommy’s Secret iPad.
  • 50 thoughts on 50 Shades.**
  • Sharing a list I made of things I talked about in one day (the diversity of topics is astounding).

All of these scintillating topics are well-thought out in my head, but the urge to explain them is lacking. Maybe if you’re interested, I’ll elaborate. Or maybe I’ll elaborate even if you aren’t interested. That’s the beauty of being the blogger. Tonight though, I’ve stuck my big toe in the water and now I quickly withdraw it. That water’s cold!

Thanks for missing me and have a nice night.

*Six simple machines: pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, lever, screw (which is actually an inclined plane wrapped around a wedge, BAM!).

**Currently, I have a handwritten list of 46 thoughts. I think if I really exercise some effort, I could come up with four more thoughts for a total of 50, which is about 4o more thoughts than Ana has in the entire series (heh heh).