100th Post!

After starting this blog with a sprint from the starting line on January 3, 2013, I now crawl over the 100 post milestone, almost six months later.

So what have I learned from blogging?

Well, I’ve read that most blogs die around six months. I’ve definitely slowed down, but I’m not dead by far. I think I’m suffering from spring fever. I’ve heard from more experienced bloggers that things on WordPress slow down over the summer, so I’m just going to accept that and not be too hard on myself.

I’ve also learned that all the fear I felt in the beginning of my journey here was for nothing. You’ve all been generous and kind. Nobody has begged me to stop posting and find another hobby! Your kindness has helped my writing on and off this blog. In fact, I think that starting this blog is probably the best thing I did for my writing. It has forced me to create and think and write and edit and read, and most importantly, to share. I mentioned in a previous post that I sent a project to an editor. I am certain that had I not gained some confidence from posting here, I wouldn’t have had the guts to do that.

At yoga tonight, my teacher explained that certain poses are for “information.” They show us how far we’ve come, where we want to be, and force us to listen to our bodies. For example, if our twist isn’t as open and reaching as we’d like, we use that as information to determine whether our shoulder strength is the problem, or perhaps our lower back, or maybe we just aren’t as flexible as we’d like to be. The best part about yoga is that it doesn’t matter. We breathe and we do our best and we use information that we gain from our practice to better ourselves. We’re taught to reject the ego that compares and criticizes, and accept that we are perfect in our imperfection.

So far on my blogging adventure, I’d like to think that I’ve rejected the ego and learned along the way. I do my best and try to get better, but it doesn’t really matter if I screw up or miss a typo or bore you to death one or two nights with posts that I think are fabulous. The reality is that I enjoy posting, and I breathe through it, learn, and keep going. Like my yoga practice, to me this blog is perfect in all of its imperfection. I really love doing it and it’s important to me.

On this special 100th post night, which also falls on the Eve of Summer 2013 (and Game 7 of the NBA Finals), I would like to thank you for sticking around and taking the journey with me.  I look forward to writing the next 100 posts!

P.S. I’ve started a WOAW Twitter account. I’ve been a twitter voyeur for years, but not an active tweeter. I’m going to try though. Follow me at @jessWOAW and I’ll follow you back and we’ll take over the Twitterverse (Twitter-tropolis?)!

Have a nice night!

Author: Jess

I like to write stuff.

32 thoughts on “100th Post!”

  1. Yippee! I must have run into your blog fairly early. You’ve learned? I believe you, but you were SO good from the beginning! Girl, you’ve got serious skill. You’ve taught me things I didn’t think I needed to learn (like writing about what’s on your mind and not just what you think you should write about).


  2. Congrats sis 🙂 I’ve enjoyed reading you so much, so please don’t stop. I have been debating about twitter for some time now. You have given me some food for thought.


      1. Oh, I am not there yet. I still cannot figure the attraction. Mind you I saw some really funny tweets about Kim and Kanye’s baby who they named North LOL


      2. I’m really good at reading my timeline but I can’t think of anything to tweet. I’m tweet-shy. I’m still figuring out the attraction myself. Maybe it will spark at some point.


    1. Happy Hundredth! That’s qauite an accomplishment!

      I know exactly what you mean about blogging helping with writing & visibility. (The hard part of writing, in my humble opinion.)

      Going to follow you in the twitterverse now!


      1. Thanks! I am not taking twitter over by storm (yet). I have to get used to thinking in 180 characters or less 🙂


      2. I am the most intermittent twitterer on earth. I think my sort of brain takes 50,000 words. On twitter I come off more as twit than anything!


      1. hahahaha – yeah, I don’t tweet much – I only joined in order to see what my son was tweeting (he understands that he has no electronic privacy until he is older, and that for his well-being and safety I get to be his friend on FB and I get to follow him on Twitter).

        I will confess, sometimes I see something funny or inspirational on Pinterest and then go and tweet the quote or phrase! 🙂


  3. When I started, I did the opposite. I made a post every month and a half and I would go weeks without any activity at all. I guess I was just feeling out what I was doing. Now I am a bit more on it and I have decided that I am going to turn out a post when it is right. I guess like churning out wine before its time…you end up with something close to Mad Dog 20/20.

    Glad you hit the mark…I am somewhere behind you…plodding along!


    1. You’ll get there. Plodding is okay to get to the wine instead of the MD. (I haven’t thought about MD 20/20 since my college years. Sigh! The memories! (or lack there of after ingesting MD)


      1. That was one special…well…whatever it is. I don’t know what made me think of that stuff but I unfortunately drank it too as a young broke chap.

        As for the posts…I am not sweating it.


  4. Congrats on the 100, Jess! That’s great to hear. Six months you say? Ha, you’re still going strong. No worries there. Just keep writing what you love and the folks will keep coming to visit your most awesome site! 😉


    1. Thanks! I can’t think of a thing to tweet. It seems more difficult than blogging. Is that weird? Maybe I should post about it 🙂



    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.


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