Sweet you rock and sweet you roll . . .

I’m happy to accept the Super Sweet Blogging Award from some Super Sweet Bloggers! Those who know me know that I LOVE both blogging awards and my sweets. Chocolate especially. And ice cream. And candy. Anything sweet, really. So this award not only delights me, but makes me hungry. As does this picture of cupcakes:



1-Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.

2-Answer the five super sweet questions (below).

3-Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post (above).

4-Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.

5-Notify your nominees on their blog.

First, as per the above listed rules, I would like to thank those who nominated me for this delish award:

Especially Made – In her own words, her blog “is a testimony of a mother’s journey in raising up a child with special needs in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Thank you, Especially Made, for sweetly sharing the joys and challenges of your life and by inspiring and encouraging.

Shaun at Looking for Reasoning to a Complicated World- You may know him as the creator of the “WordPress Family Award,” or you may know him for his posts sharing his life despite being disabled. I am sad to learn that he is taking a hiatus from blogging, but I hope he returns someday. Thank you, Shaun for the nomination and for spending part of your life on WordPress. You will be missed.

Finally, my Blogger Sibling:  Chronicles of a Public Transit User– Anyone who reads my blog must know by now how much I enjoy PTU. Seriously, give a follow. How someone can stay so sweet while having to ride the bus everyday is a mystery to me!

Now, onto the questions:  THE 5 SWEET QUESTIONS:

1-Cookies or Cake? – Cake! Cookies! Anything Gluten Free for me!

2-Chocolate or Vanilla? – Chocolate. Puh-lease. Are you serious?

3–Favorite Sweet Treat? – Chocolate. Anything chocolate.

4-When do you crave sweet things the most? Around 3 pm when I’m ready to pass out from boredom at work.

5-Sweet Nick Name? My dad used to call me “Pumpkin.” Is that sweet enough?

I now nominate my Bakers Dozen. Well, not really. I’m kind of tired and I want to get this published sometime before midnight, so I’ll do my best. The following bloggers are fairly new to me and I wanted to share them with you:

Zia– at Zia’s Site.  Zia is a super-sweet blogger from South Australia who was born with Muscular Dystrophy. She shares her writing and her life with us, including her love for her lop-eared rabbits and Eclectus Parrots, her gardening adventures, and her crush on Gordon Ramsay. After a short hiatus from blogging, she’s back. I look forward to her posts and hope she accepts this award!

Wiley Schmidt– at Wiley’s Wisdom. Wiley took me a minute or two to figure out, but Wiley is actually a four-year old terrier mutt who blogs. Geez, there’s no better definition of sweet than a picture of Wiley. Wiley’s been nominated for numerous awards, so I don’t expect him to accept, but I wanted to say “hi.”  HI WILEY!

Katie – at The D/A Dialogues. “Exploring the sometimes-fractious relationship between an author and the character in her head as they go about writing a book together.” I love that line! I’m just getting to know the sweet and talented Katie and hope you join me.

Kendra – at Sunshine from Shadows. Kendra’s site is beautiful. She’s beautiful. She wrote the cutest post about what she would do if she got rid of the husband for a weekend. Check out her sweetness!

Completely Disappear. She’s a Thai woman practicing her English by blogging. She creates sweet, beautiful photos and takes piano classes and has already been Liebstered! I hope she accepts this Super Sweet Award and continues to share her lovely view of life with us.

Michelle – at JustMeMichelleAndI. I think “Michelle” (not her real name, as she admits in her “About” page) is my Baby Blogger Sister. I am addicted to her posts about her adventures with “Jack” (I suggested she move on) and her search for love. She’s not only sweet, she’s hot. Check her out!

Rachel – at Racheve. Are you all following Racheve yet? Like Michelle (above), Rachel is my Baby Blogger Sister from across the lake.  She’s freaking out about turning 30. She has eight months to go. I try to tell her that the 30’s are AWESOME and she shouldn’t freak until she’s eight months from 40, but she’s still not convinced. She’s super sweet. Go convince her that the best is still ahead of her.  Please!

Also feel free to appreciate the sweetness of my two psuedo-sisters in real life, who also happen to blog, Nicole  and Angela. No post about sweetness is complete without them, so I hereby nominate them for the Super Sweet Blogging Award.

Okay, I am out of steam and I have yet to inform these nominees of their award. I am sorry to all you Super Sweet Bloggers out there who I missed.

Thanks for indulging my walk down the blogging red carpet!

Have a nice night!

Author: Jess

I like to write stuff.

21 thoughts on “Sweet you rock and sweet you roll . . .”

  1. Well hello to you dear friend! And thank you! Of course I will accept your proverbial pat on my little doggie head. I cherish each and every contact with people in the blogosphere. Thank YOU for the nomination, and for what you do. 🙂 Lots of Love,


  2. You are indeed sweet! Thank you, i’ll be sure to sit down and respond appropriately and pay tribute to your nomination.


  3. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for nominating mine! That is indeed very sweet, and I happily accept the nomination. What a lovely way to start my day!


  4. Hey Sis! I think a huge congratulations are in order! AND a massive thank you! This has made my day. Who needs boys now, it’s all about the sisterhood. I’ve recently discovered new Magnum Chocolates, fellow chocolate/ice-cream lover, it is the perfect combo- give it a whirl. x



    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.


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