Let the Sunshine In!

I’m so happy to accept the Sunshine Award from The (notso) Secret Life of a PhD student.  Based in London, she writes beautiful posts, including this post which I love about why we love to read.  She’s also a fan of The Good Wife, Beetlejuice, and milk chocolate, and published an article on Turkish youth called “Why Turkish Youth Matters.”  Check her out.  She’s the real deal.

Onto the award! Woo hoo!

The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogsphere”. The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favourite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award!

Here are the questions, and my answers, followed by my ten nominees.

1.  What inspired you to start blogging?  I love to write and debated starting a blog, but was scared to commit.  Before my premiere post on WOAW, I actually started a different blog entirely and deleted it.  Even with WOAW it took me some time to get comfortable enough to gather some followers. Despite my shaky start, I love blogging now and it has really helped me gain confidence in my writing.

2.  How did you come up with the name to your blog?  It’s part of a lyric to a Pearl Jam song called Speed of Sound on the Backspacer album.

3.  What is your favorite blog you love to read?  I just CANNOT pick.  I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

4.  Tell about your dream job.  It’s a toss up between being a famous author and working at the AMC theater in the next town over.

5.  Is your glass half empty or half full?  Half full.  Definitely.  Most times.  Ok, I guess sometimes it’s not half full.  Sometimes it’s like a quarter full.  Or do I mean it’s a quarter empty?  I’ll go with half full.

6.  If you could go anywhere for a week’s vacation, where would you go?  Italy with the husband.

7.  What food can you absolutely not eat?  Seafood.  Bleh.  Gross. [*sticking out my tongue making scrunchy yucky kid faces*]

8.  Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?  Finally an easy one!  MILK.  Duh.

9.  How much time do you spend blogging?  In a previous post I thought I spent six hours a week blogging, but I think it is actually more.  Maybe 8-10 hours?

10.  Do you watch TV and if so, what are some of your favorite shows?  Another easy one!  Scandal, New Girl, Walking Dead, Parks and Rec, and getting into Arrested Development and the Inbetweeners on Netflix.  Blogged myself into trying Downton Abbey for Season Two.

 Spreading the Sunshine:

Especially Made (Mom of a Special Needs Child)

tracycembor (Awesome writing blog- she lets us help write her stories by posting polls.  It’s fun!)

Janine at souladditions (Mom, wife, writer of creative non-fiction)

Daniel at Death Between the Covers (Super neat blog by a Crime Scene Investigator with how-to tips on writing realistic crime scenes)

Przemek at Charisma Workshop (Empowering people to find their charisma)

Carly at Reclaiming All of You (Blog by an Expansion Coach, helping us live our best lives)

Chronicles of a Public Transit User  (Public Transit User, reminding me what a blessing it is to have a personal vehicle 🙂 )

The Bliss Project (Teacher, writer, yogi, positive person all around)

Factory Maid (Writer, worker, survivor, sharer)

Minuscule Moments of Inspiration (Australian writer, photographer, mother, and wife following her dreams)

Thanks for reading!  I’m signing off for the weekend.  Going on a much-needed weekend getaway with my husband.  Enjoy your weekend!

Author: Jess

I like to write stuff.

22 thoughts on “Let the Sunshine In!”

  1. Congratulations, Jess! I love how you take out the time to write about the person (and their blog )who nominated you and your nominees. It shows your level of commitment and involvement. Have a great weekend!


  2. Hi Jess! Congratulations, and thank you for nominating me too! That was such a pleasant surprise. I love your responses to the questions, especially about your dream job – jobs – the disparity of achievements made me smile,


  3. Such a lovely post and thank you so much for all your kind words 🙂
    I’ve been meaning to start watching Downton Abbey for so long- everyone I know is hooked! 🙂


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